About The OCDivas

by The OCDivas
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About The OCDivas

What’s a blog without knowing who the F is talking to you, right? Let us introduce ourselves... we are Emily and Abigail also known as the OCDivas. We are your official insiders at OCD The Judge’s Pick. Here’s a photo of us so you have a better sense of who we are, and thus feel more connected to the blog and OCD!

The OCDivas

We met in the burbs of Boston at the ripe age of 11. It was the 90s, and we looked lame as hell. Fashion and tattoos were in a pretty tragic state. The style was halter tops and ultra-flare low-rise denim. Tattoos consisted of tacky barbed wire armbands and questionable Chinese characters that may not have actually meant what the person thought.

Our friendship was formed over standing out. We wanted to be unique and not blend in with the typical New England crowd. Needless to say, we didn’t own any polos or pearls. We ended up attending separate colleges which ultimately lead to our interest in blogging. We wanted a more visual and creative way to stay in touch other than texting, calling, emailing, iChat, etc. We have been blogging since what feels like the stone ages. We started long before Twitter and Instagram even existed, which to a teenager may as well be the stone ages.

forearm tattoo

Our blog lead us to our now signature dark and edgy style. In this amount of time, we accumulated 13 tattoos, a taste for whiskey, and the love of rock and roll and tattoos. The end result was moving to New York City and opening our own blogging and wardrobe styling business. We got to work with some really amazing people. We were lucky to meet the now Founder of OCD The Judge’s Pick early in our career. We did some blogging for one of Ken Stolls’ companies and knew immediately it was a forever work (and friend) connection. There was a magnetic energy that kept our collaborations thriving for years, and we’re thrilled to get to work with him again in this new endeavor.

So why are we qualified to talk about the best new tattoo skincare brand and industry happenings? Fact is we’ve been dazzled by tattoos since we were teenagers. In its simplest form it’s permanent artwork on the most sacred of canvases, the human body. Once a taboo topic, we’re ecstatic tattoos have become more widespread and accepted in all sorts of cultures. The tattoo industry weaves its way into all aspects of our work and life that we adore… fashion, art, music, and so on. 

hydrangea tattoo

We may not have sleeves, but everyone has their favorite ink. Emily’s happens to be her very first tattoo which she got on the infamous St. Mark’s in the East Village. It’s a quote by Edgar Allan Poe from her favorite poem The Raven. Abigail’s happens to be her most recent tattoo which went down at the then new tattoo parlor in Foxwoods Casino. It’s a hydrangea bouquet in ode to her cleverly crass late Grandmother.

So now you know us! Let us bond over OCD, ink, and general badassery.


The OCDivas

by The OCDivas


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